Ultra exciting mashups in python ! Check https://zenmachine.wordpress.com/rss-to-twitter-automagic-poster/

Hi. Long time no see eh ?

There is nothing wrong with Ruby. Fine language, great gems and so on. But its interpreter sucks. Since I had to cross compile it for arm, and later fooling around with it while a friend had to run some heavy weight gdb debugging on it, I noticed that most of it was sloppy. Worst than green threads and stuff which really matters when developing for a high load and concurrency environment, there are places that plainly sucks.

It’s a shame, because Ruby itself is great, and I really appreciate that you can do everything in a lot of ways. It makes porting libraries from other languages a breeze. I hope it gets better by 1.9 or 2.0.

Meanwhile, I started to do some stuff using python, specially for networked services. Check out my come back at  https://zenmachine.wordpress.com/web-services-and-twisted/

Cheers !